сряда, 17 август 2016 г.

Селда Багджан - Selda Bağcan

Израелската група Boom Pam през 2013-а започва сътрудничество с на практика забравената турска певица Селда Багджан - Selda Bağcan. На 68 години. Навремето първа започва да пее народни песни със съпровод на китара.
Селда Багджан е ляв активист и песните й са протестни - през 70-те години на миналия век Селда ханъм продава многомилионни тиражи. След преврата през 1980-та й забраняват да пее, през 1984-а я вкарват в затвора, през 1986-а анулират паспорта й. През 1987-а под международен натиск й позволяват да напусне страната. През 2000-та попада в катастрофа и дълго се лекува.
Старостта идва в забрава.
Неочаквано през 2009-а хипхопър от Бруклин използва нейното пеене в албум, номиниран за Грами 2010. Испанският музиковед Висенте Фабуел я нарича легендарен глас на Изтока. Сп. Тайм я включва в списъка на легендарните гласове на планетата. Именно тогава израилтяните от Бум Пам се свързват с нея. Те свирят, а 65-годишната Селда пее своя хит от времето на протестната си младост: Yaz gazeteci yaz  (Пиши, вестникарю, пиши)
Евреите и туркинята.

English translation

write journalist write

For heavens sake journalist come to our village and write about our situation
Don't write about painted fingers in the city
Write about the calloused hands in our village
Write write journalist write
Write write sir write

Don't write about the money and men in the banks
Don't get infected by falling into that path
Don't write about the asphalt roads in the city
Write about how donkeys can't travel the roads in our village
Write write journalist write
Write write sir write

Don't write in the suffocating language of fame
Don't write about the roses in your garden
Don't write about the young unjust hands of murders
Write about those dying in the east without doctors
Write write journalist write
Write write sir write

Don't write about the working hands in Germany
Don't be amazed by those who depart to Libya
Don't write about the collapsed households
Write about widowed slaves in Turkey
Write write journalist write
Write write sir write

А ето и Yuh Yuh:


English translation
Yuh Yuh
Boo! Boo!

From afar or at close range, don't boo me
If I ever looked at you the way you looked at me, then boo
If I looked polite to the humans
but brought the people of God down, then boo

Boo Boo to the robbers
To the ones who are full after robbing and fleeing
To the ones who murder people
Boo to the ones who abide their ego, boo

I'm not a hodja (preacher), I didn't make an amulet
I'm not a hadji (pilgrim), I didn't tour in Arabia
I didn't support the powerful and smash the weak
If I ever obeyed to the crooked, then boo


The ones who assume the right of all these folks
Who fool them and enjoy a lot
The ones who became judges don't need a degree
If I ever crashed the head of the guiltless, my friend, then boo


What do "sir", "mister" and "worker" mean?
Is robbing the poor ever proper to the maturity?
If I ever saw bribery as a right
And ever cheated every moment and denied, then boo


I am a human, the nobleness starts from me
A break for the nobles, an end for the mister
If ever humanity gets into trouble
And if I ever got tired of assisting it, then boo


Boo boo
If I'm like this, boo boo
If you're like this, boo boo